
For this Masters of SaaS episode, we hear from Joel Klettke, founder of Case Study Buddy,  an agency specializing in creating case studies for SaaS companies.

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In the latest episode of Masters of SaaS, we had the pleasure of hosting Joel Klettke, founder of Case Study Buddy, an agency specializing in creating case studies for SaaS companies. Joel shared his wealth of knowledge and experience on why case studies are important for SaaS companies, how to create them effectively, and how to get client buy-in.

One of the most important insights Joel shared was the proactive vs reactive approach to storytelling. Instead of viewing case studies as an afterthought, he encouraged companies to engineer case studies as a program and a byproduct of underlying systems. This means starting with a strategy that identifies what stories will benefit the business revenue goals, what the angles and themes are, and what the coverage gaps are. Companies should talk to their sales teams to identify objections, who they are constantly being compared to, and which roles are vetoing deals. These are all opportunities for stories that currently only live within sales’ heads.

Another key insight Joel shared was how to get buy-in from clients to create case studies. He emphasized the importance of making KPIs and ROI metrics normal and comfortable from the start. Companies should look for ways to make that a scheduled and normal part of their interactions with clients. Additionally, they should make KPIs obvious and available to their clients. Joel cited examples of Loom, Calendly, and Grammarly who have done this effectively. Finally, when making the ask for a case study, it’s important to be personal and specific about why their story is valuable and what parts of their story will be highlighted.

Overall, Joel’s insights were incredibly valuable for any SaaS company looking to create effective case studies that not only demonstrate the efficacy and value of their product but also create a program for proactive storytelling that can be repurposed in a variety of ways.

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Quick bio 

Name: Joel Klettke
What he does: Founder @CaseStudyBuddy
Joel on the Web: LinkedIn | Twitter

Todd Chambers Director & Founder of Upraw Media.

Todd is a seasoned PPC, SaaS, and Growth Leader with over 11+ years of experience in digital. Host of the Masters of SaaS Podcast.
